Buy Natural Stress Solutions CBD Deodorant

Natural Stress Solutions CBD Deodorant
CBD Natural Deodorant is an efficient solution to fight the undesirable odor without harming the body. 100% organic ingredients provide you with effective results and are completely non-toxic. Natural CBD elements possess strong antibacterial properties, and since the bacteria are the source of the bad odor, CBD effectively removes the undesired scent. In their turn, natural oils of cypress, tea tree, rosemary and neem take gentle care of the skin by nourishing, soothing and protecting it from irritation. And such ingredients as sweet almond oil, beeswax and cocoa butter nourish the skin with vitamin E and zinc. CBD deodorant is exactly opposite to typical antiperspirants available on the market. Antiperspirants block skin pores with the aluminum salts and thus stop the release of toxins and waste products out of the body. In contrast, CBD deodorants remove the unpleasant odor by neutralizing the bacteria found in sweat.

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Price from 29.2 Per unit

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